Iwori Meji - Measure Twice, Cut Once

IworiMeji is a very subtle Odu! It focuses on the Diviners ability to identify REAL possibilities...and therein, lies the rub. For understanding the genuine opportunities requires a totally different mind-set for both Diviner and Client.
The problem takes into account my original statement on “subtlety”! But keep in mind the initial purveyors of Ifa's wisdom took into account that Diviners would initially understand only what worked then and that it would grow and increase with life experiences. As the years rolled by and as our knowledge increased with our understanding of how the world works, we would expand our ability to understand and use the information.
The problem was that it never occurred to the original owners that we would get stuck in the morass of the “frozen truth”, of believing what had once worked... would continue to do so, even as the benefits and results became smaller and smaller. Heck, it was working for Catholicism wasn’t it?
We have identified IworiMeji into one short definition...Measure twice...cut once. The old standby for the Tailor or Seamstress. Basically it means BE SURE! But “Sure of what"?
So, let’s take IworiMeji more seriously. When it states, in old texts, "that the child of IworiMeji will be a dreamer…and that a man or woman that is born under this sign will see things that do not exist in ways not normally seen...but that he will learn to interpret these into information that will be valuable". In other words... look not simply for truth as you know it...but look for it in ways you have not yet imagined!
Don’t be afraid of failure...be afraid of being stuck! Drop the fear altogether to realize that using the same old conclusions will actually be limiting your life... That just because something is “right” once IS really missing the point...that there are new “RIGHTS” waiting for the questioning mind to find them. It is then that Iwori remains relevant…
Love and blessings
Philip Neimark
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