Three times and OUT

It was a little over 25 years ago…that my wife Vassa, (known by many back then as one of the top 5 Interior Architects in the city of Chicago)…had just received her warriors. Yes, back then it was more Santeria than Ifa…and she was learning about how to connect with her spiritual tools mostly on her own as our Padrino back then did not speak English and no one was willing to teach after the delivery of the tools. As Vassa is so inclined…she opened herself up to experience…and got creative with learning about what was possible. She does have a strong connection to her guardian ancestor and had a lot of guidance from that voice.
Low and behold…within a week of getting her Ogun pot in her hands…she awakened one morning knew something was up. And as she was putting together her designer look for the day… (Which included wearing high heels and a tight Versace skirt)
She was running a bit behind due to pull of the distraction yet she knew from the noise of it all… that there was some sort of message which was not totally clear but was definitely getting louder as she was getting closer to exiting in her car! It was a cold icy morning and she had to use my car that day due to an issue with own car and the weather conditions.
She decided to face the message and stop “the mad dash for the door” and sit down for the first time in her life and take out each and every tool in the Ogun pot she had just gotten. She was told that Ogun loved palm oil and she had just gotten some... so she went ahead and did her first solo ebbo.
Even though she was truly in the wrong outfit to be working with such a dangerous material for nice clothing…she was not going to shortcut one thing. She took each and every tool out and blew her breath and began a dialog with Ogun as she polished the metal implements with her bare hands covered in red palm oil! The experience was incredible to watch. She went in deep. She could not even stop if she wanted to. She was in the tunnel vision mode. I stood in awe as I watched how creative she was as she masterfully covered each and every surface.
Immediately feeling that the ritual was complete…she wiped her hands down and threw on her fur coat and off she went to the north shore job-site to meet a crew of construction workers to review the plans. Being that she was really tight on time now she did not park at the bottom of the hill where all of the other cars were lined up…she decided to drive straight up to the construction site on the top of the steep hill.
Being that it was NOT HER CAR… she did not realize it was extremely important to put on the emergency brake!!! She hopped out and just as she went to shake hands with the head man there…she could hear the cars’ tires crushing rocks as it was rolling backwards down the hill. Of course she thought she could run after it and stop it somehow! And after almost falling herself from the pointy high heels shoes collapsing under the harsh conditions which they were not designed to encounter…she stood and watched what would definitely be called…A MIRACLE!
The car, my car, was picking up speed fast and as if there was someone in the car able to see what was coming ahead to deal with…the steering wheel turned 90 degrees to bring the car away from hitting any and all cars parked in the original path it was taking. And on top of it… the road which would normally have traffic on it was empty…no one was passing by just then. ASHE. The car actually moved like it was backing into a parallel parking space with great precision. EVERY SUBCONTRACTOR on the job was standing there in TOTAL AWE. Did that Ebbo work or what!
Some years later Vassa, then a full-fledged Iyanifa, had divined for herself (as she does every 5th day). We always did this before heading out to the retreat. She was going to set up for a workshop and it was time she did a “check-in” as the country roads are tight and people drive recklessly on them.
In her reading she had Ogunda Meji as the main odu… Osa Meji on path and Ogbe Meji was in the subset of Victory. She knew she had to discuss it with me and make double sure how to be prepared for what Ela and Orunmila had given her as knowledge to follow. The ebbo was liquor Ogun. Okay. Big gulp. Putting the puzzle pieces together she decided to take her fully loaded car and take the drive on a bit differently. She was going to be in total quiet…and with both hands glued to the road. (No multitasking this time!) She knew something was up and she had to be fully ready. She partnered with the knowledge received.
Prior to walking out the door she was bending over her Ogun shrine with a nice coconut rum and connecting in her creative way. And off she went. The drive was going really well until one block before her turn to the retreat. This is where there is one little hill. And about one block from reaching the hill an older Econoline Van pops over at a speed way over the limit. It was coming directly at her in her lane…and was going to crash right into her head-on.
Because she was prepared for whatever could happen…she held tight and went off road at 55 MPH. She did not tip over with the challenging angled embankment that she faced managing…she did not lose control at all. She ended up stopping 1 ft. from the sign that says… “Welcome to Crescent City, The Bass Capital of Florida”. (That is the marker for getting to the retreat)
As quickly as she felt relief for her own life…she could hear the crashing sounds of the van hitting the car which was immediately behind her. She ran over and saw blood gushing out of the woman driver’s mouth and the steering wheel in her chest and then saw that she had a baby in the backseat that was still alive. She moved the baby right out before the car caught fire and called 911.
In no time a helicopter landed right on the road to remove the Mother’s body and take her away. Vassa handed off the baby to the police and felt she needed to set things right with the man driving the van who was sitting on the side of the road by then. He only had a small gash and a touch of blood on his forehead… BUT wreaked of alcohol! She went right up to his face and told him the truth. ONE WEEK LATER WE PURCHASED VASSA A BIGGER CAR! It was a time of many emotions and a time to be grateful for having the divination and ebbo in place.
Now, the reason I am writing this story now…is that this past weekend Vassa had ceremonies scheduled at the retreat and divination was performed and ebbo’s were done prior and the findings revealed there were some obstacles to clear and strengthening of awareness to be done.
She left the retreat Saturday evening in a pouring rain to meet her Mother. Traveling once again on Hwy 17, but now in the dark. She knew to be very aware…and to drive with a lot of caution. She had done ebbo’s to Esu and Oko that day.About half way to her destiny she had to quickly come to a sudden stop in the middle of the road as there were 3 cars ahead of her completely stopped first. And in the dark rain she could see big tire marks in swerving shapes…realizing that a car had lost control… and then it looked as though there was a car turned over in the dark edges of the woods. And then…she told me she hear a woman crying. Can you imagine laying where no one can see you, hurting and being rained on? Horrible! Frightening!
Vassa said she could not see any details, only shapes…BUT said she could “feel” everything! She said she could feel death…and a chaotic spirit energy. Off in the distance she could see the blue police lights approaching and more people were stopping and getting out. She was on her way to meet her 81 year old mother for a Musical and dinner so she could not stay as her own mother was waiting for her on the side of the road in the dark rain as well.
So off she went completely shaken. She knew something inside her was shifting. It was very unsettling. She did not want to upset me so she waited until the morning and we went into deep discussions of some of what could be possible and sat with the Oracle and in the divination …there was an answer to take action with. The spirit of the dead person was trying to join her living presence…and there were times in the past where we have done ceremonies for individuals suffering for years from such an event.
We did the rituals defined as the protocol to follow. It was powerful. The strategy for Vassa involved me as well. I had to be the one to do the “heavy-lifting” and use my horsetail wand to whip it out of her and clear her energy fields partnering with my own level of strength. It was NOT a light-weight situation. It required the big strong connections I had built from 40+years of working connecting. Vassa had to do egg cleansing and a big sage ritual with the ancestors. It was big! Remember, there are no coincidences there are only unnecessary victims.
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