Iroso Meji

In many ways, Irosun is the beginning of active divination. While the first 4 Odu (Ogbe, Oyeku, Iwori and Idi/Odi) plus we include “Ofunmeji” constitute the outlines and not the specifics of everyday divination. I will discuss more of this later on.
We have all lost the basic attributes of Irosun. In the "old days" it spoke of popularity with many friends. It was "balanced" with the fear of "foggy" brain…with general worries regarding your head. There was always the necessity preventative care by propitiating your Ori on a regular (or as needed). It was not that this was wrong, it simply became outdated. Like many examples of this, the original readings DO contain the germ of where the 2015 readings came into play.
As our world expanded… both literally and figuratively, the key purpose for Irosun became the use of our genuine ability to detect the “Real from the False”! This is not a huge stretch from our dependence on our mind of the earlier years...but, what sufficed then, will not work now. The choices have become multitude, and the repercussions too painful to consider.
You see, our society has confused us...made a fun house mirror out of opportunities, people, relationships and responsibility. With a our quick look today… most generally focus on the "shiny" rather than the “real”...but the proper use of Irosun is to separate that "shiny" from those things which could bring us the happiness, success and healthier relationships with others and the planet we live on.
By the way, in case you think the choice is easy it is not. But, it seems totally clear to me that Irosun is the key to navigating this hump in our development.
Love and Blessings,
Philip Neimark
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