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One "Magical" Odu after another...

Now that you have all had a chance to read, and hopefully think about what the Odu SHOULD be, should REALLY mean, the hard work begins! Oh, I'm sorry, but being thoughtful equates to being happy... it's not about getting what it is you want today, it's about getting what will fill your soul, your partner, your children, your friends, your community and the planet we are destroying in the fastest time outside of a great natural disaster... If we want to have any roses to smell, any fresh water to drink, and unpolluted air to breathe the time is now…

This site, for the next 17 weeks, will turn into a short course in how to examine the Odu, how to understand just how much more each Odu has to give...and how by stretching our mind, back to their beginning, we can start to understand just how brilliant, powerful and meaningful these can be...It won't be easy, it never is. Progress is not greeted too often with open arms, but I can promise you it will be worthwhile.

The Ifa Foundation has been training a group of mentors that will ultimately teach every one of our Ifa Priests how to navigate through the learning process. I look forward to your joining us in the start of this process.

First discussion will be OgbeMeji! (Ejiogbe)

Traditionally this indicates unlimited opportunities, great intensity, light after darkness, long life, peaceful mind, victory over enemies...and a whole bunch more. But STOP for a moment... think "what was it these great Yoruba men, or these extra terrestrial… or you may even plug "God" into the equation! 

However, you would like to view them… these "Truth Givers" were faced with an almost insoluble task: 

How to teach the very beginning of utilizing our full potential." 

As brilliant as you feel the Yoruba men, sorry it wasn't women initially, they could not extrapolate the future without the scientific knowledge to guide them...BUT, this knowledge had not yet been developed. So, we
had to depend on the basic truths we were given...and perhaps hope for a return journey. Yet another alternative exists. In this scenario, the information was so important that those that bestowed it felt that any intelligent people would take it to its logical extenion. This would include all of their experience.. both Spiritual (which was the background of the symphony they were listening to) and intellectual, which had barely any notes, let alone chords at this point and time.

Yet, that time was fast approaching. I am not sure how horrified they would be to look at "our solution"... our freeze frame of all we had been given to stimulate and grow with. Today we have an ever increasing body of Priests from every religion who practice this frozen truth, while global warming, pollution and a host of other aggress man made events threaten to engulf us!

So, I am asking you to THINK...and in the coming week, am asking you to force yourself to see how OgbeMeji could solve the problems we are faced with...without besmirching its purity.


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