The real meaning of Iwa Pele

The greatest disservice done to the philosophy of Ifa occurs when we attempt to place Ifa Principles into Western Religious constructs. The concept of Iwa Pele, or “Good Character” is one such tragic case.

Either wittingly or unwittingly both scholars and Practioners have increasingly identified the Yoruba concept of Iwa Pele in terms and conditions similar to the Ten Commandments, or other Western religious dogma that pretentiously attempts to state the absolute word of God. The result was that this absolute word concept intruded on our everyday competence and behavior and allowed those in charge to assume a moral high ground and ethical superiority to the rest of us. The result of this was the Supremacy of the Priesthood and the power and control I gave them based on the inherent failings of everyone else.

The Yoruba thought nothing of the kind.

Ifa is a result of the most accurate and controlled examination of how the Universe works and what our relationship to it is. It truly was the original science. We have no mythology, other than that which was written by the Christian and Muslim influenced Practioners, relating to God giving us rules. Ifa has no tradition of miracles, the sizzle used to sell the steak of most religious paradigms. Instead Ifa is a brilliant study of how the Universe works, how we can work with it, and how when we do, the results to our lives and the lives of those around us may well become seemingly miraculous.

Where does good character fit into this original science? Oludumare (God) in His/Her/Its infinite wisdom constructed a Universe that worked through certain logical principles, In other words, if you plant an acorn, no matter how many prayers, sacrifices or ebbos you might make, it will only grow an Oak tree and not the Twin Towers!

Within that logic is the necessity – not on a moral, but on a practical basis – of how we must interact with the other energy around us. It is that logical interaction that is the essence of Iwa Pele. To use an example: “thou shall not steal” is a logical conclusion. If one were to steal, you begin to set up the situation where others steal from you, where possessions that we have earned are not safe, where force begins to play the dominant role in success. The same applies to “ coveting thy neighbors’ wife”. If you sleep with your neighbors’ husband or wife, you are setting the moral groundwork for your own marriage and relationships to be at risk. BUT, here is the essential point: these are common sense observations about how the universe works…and we hardly need a set of “God’s rules” to act upon them. Rules require blind obedience. Logic requires thoughtful examination and intellect. Western religion sought blind obedience as a measure of control. The Yoruba sought thoughtful intelligence.

So, Iwa Pele is not a matter of obeying some set of God given moral rules. It is about working within the logical matrix of the Universe to improve our lives without damaging those around us or the Universe we must live in. You see, it’s not a matter of not throwing McDonalds’ wrappers on the ground because it’s politically correct. It’s a matter of not throwing them there because we must live on this earth, our children and grand children must live here, and to pollute or harm it is simply stupid…or bad character. Western religion thought you were too stupid to understand that, and so created “God’s list” for you to obey. The Yoruba knew you were intelligent enough and simply asked for good character in your life.

One of the interesting points here is how things do work. For years people who have committed to a ceremony, initiation or cleansing almost always begin to feel better, and have their lives go better, prior to the event. How does this happen? Because, once you begin to align yourself with the genuine energies of the Universe (and the commitment begins that process) you automatically slip into the forward flowing stream of energy that helps your life. This is not because God approves of your behavior or because some passing grade was achieved in regards to your moral behavior! It is because you used your intellect, wisdom and knowledge to make the right choice that would benefit yourself, those you love and the Universe you live in. It is not God’s reward to you. It’s your reward to yourself for understanding how it all works.

Let me explain it one more way. If you take a 220-volt appliance and stick it into a 110-volt outlet you get bad results. You blow out the fuses, burn some wires, destroy an appliance or start a fire. It’s not because you were immoral. It’s not God’s punishment. It is simply the Natural result of how things work…and how they do not. If your life is going badly it’s for the same reasons. That’s what Iwa Pele and good character are all about…identifying the actions and behaviors in our life and relationships that WORK – not just for your short-term benefit, but also for long-term results. But, if you keep thinking it’s about following God’s precepts, you’re never going to learn to think and use the gifts that are the Natural part of God’s creation.

Ifa believed you were not only capable of that, but that it was your responsibility if you wanted to be healthy, happy and fulfilled. The Ifa Foundation believes the same.


Oluwo Philip Neimark

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