Sex & the Orisa
I feel sure that many will find this discussion unsettling. Some may find it offensive. Yet the truth is that Ifa is about life, our whole life, and sexual activity, expression and desire are a significant part of that.
Recently one of the attendees at a recent Workshop e-mailed to ask about the prohibition of having sexual activity in front of the Orisa. He was confused as to why, if we felt that Orisa were pure energy, as opposed to human like entities, they/it would consider it disrespectful to engage in sexual activities in a room, or place, where the shrines for Orisa are placed. The question represents the general confusion about personal sexual behavior and the Orisa community.
For the most part, the views of Lucumi, Santeria, Voodun and an increasing number of Ifa Devotees reflect their Christian/Judea cultural indoctrination rather than the views, attitudes and observations of the wise men and women of ancient Africa.
Sexual activity, resulting in orgasm, provides individuals with a profound energy experience. The operative Creative Force that designed the logical Universe we live in, programmed us to be able to achieve this beneficial experience as a way of balancing the stress and tribulations of our everyday life. He/She/It also assured that, through our desire to achieve this state, the continuation of our species was guaranteed. It is logical.
Organized Religions, from Judaism to Christianity recognized the power of this transcendent experience and, wanting to be the sole arbiters, and controllers, of our ability to reach ecstasy, or transcendence, sought to take control of this most Natural act. Some said it was 'dirty", others that it was only to be experienced when creating a child, and not simply for pleasure. Yet, every one of their conclusions was illogical and in contraction to the simple facts.
For example, if the Creative Force had wanted orgasmic sexual activity to be experienced only for the creation of a child, why didn't He/She/It design us to stop feeling pleasure once our child bearing years had ceased?
On the contrary, sexual activity is designed for a host of positive purposes. It is the most intimate sharing of our most intense personal energy. And, it is in this reality that the reasons for the prohibition of sexual activity in front of the Orisa is created.
When we offer ebbo to the Orisa we are using the energy of the offering to form a triangulation between the energy of Nature (Orisa) and ourselves. The intense energy of sexual expression in front of the shrines of the Orisa too easily becomes part of an unintended triangulation (ebbo) with the energies present. It is logic, not Divine prohibition, that always should guide our actions.
As long as we are on the subject, let's cover a few other areas of sexual behavior and the Orisa:
Oral Sex
At least five or six times a year I receive communications from Lucumi Babalawo's asking about the prohibition of Oral sex for the Ifa Priest. There is no such prohibition in Ifa. While I am not sure, it seems clear that it stems from the Catholic Syncretism and the unique Ifa initiation they perform, which is totally different from how it has been done for thousands of years in Africa.
Dangers in Sexual activity.
Despite the obvious issues of AIDS and other diseases, it is essential to keep in mind that this sharing of our ase', through bodily fluids and pure energy, is the most intimate and intense experience we can have with another human being. To try and separate this physical reality, from the intellectual reality of the character and values of the individual we share with, is a recipe for disaster. In the peculiar way the West always breaks things into separate pieces, their ability to make sexual experience a stand-alone experience is inherently destructive. Indeed, it is this attitude that leads to rape, pedophilias, and sexual slavery. Remember, you want to share this energy with positive energy, and the ase' of the person with bad character will gladly take your positive energy in trade for their negative if you focus on only the physial act rather than the total person.
Sexual Warfare
I am always struck by the contest that is created between men and women in our culture over sexual availability. Men, in part by design, are more focused on sexual activity then women. But women, who are probably much more sensual than men, have increasingly begun to use their sexual availability as a bargaining chip, or hostage, in the on going dynamic of personal relationships.
It is easy to see why women, living for the most part in male dominated cultures, and treated with disrespect for thousands of years, while being viewed as property rather than partners, fell back on this chip in a struggle for which they had little other recourse.
But, while it is understandable, it is not healthy. Women, as well as men, were designed to experience and share sexual activity their entire lives. The balance it provides is essential. So, the logical answer is to find a mate that understands your inherent differences as well as your inherent values, and to make sharing your mutual ase' an area of mutual growth, love and fulfillment. It is not to "get even" and, in the process, diminish yourself.
Oluwo Philip Neimark