Sacred Orisha GardensSacred Orisha Gardens
Sacred Orisha GardensSacred Orisha GardensEshu, show me the way!!!... Clear a path for me... Protect me on my journey... Help me navigate through obstacles and recognize opportunities. Ase!... Ase!... Ase!
Sacred Orisha GardensSacred Orisha GardensObatala, grant me clarity!!!... Protect my mind and body... Make sense of my experiences so that I may learn from them... Help me find inner peace to think before I act. Ase!... Ase!... Ase!
Sacred Orisha GardensSacred Orisha GardensI stand on the shoulders of my Ancestors... My wisdom came from their life experiences... Now is my turn to learn and grow spiritually... Guide me... Protect me... Nurture me. In turn, I will make you proud.
Sacred Orisha GardensSacred Orisha Gardens
Sacred Orisha GardensSacred Orisha Gardens
Sacred Orisha GardensSacred Orisha Gardens
Sacred Orisha GardensSacred Orisha Gardens
Sacred Orisha GardensSacred Orisha Gardens
Sacred Orisha GardensSacred Orisha Gardens
Sacred Orisha GardensSacred Orisha Gardens
Sacred Orisha GardensSacred Orisha Gardens
At the Sacred Orisha Gardens of Ola Olu you have the opportunity of “touching” the powerful energy of over 20 Ancient African Orisha. In experiencing this energy a wonderful opportunity takes place. Not only do you intuitively sense the solutions of your most troubling decisions, but, if you are aware and sensitive, when you return home and nurture these energies you will find your abilities expanding in a way you never believed possible.