Rules of the Universe

Working WITH the Universe


The single most important concept that the Ifa Foundation has introduced to Western Orisa Devotees is:


Without understanding, integrating and working with this concept, the results you get in your everyday life will be, at best, limited, or at worst, non-existent!


The reasons are not theoretical or theological...they are simply practical!

Because the Western World has insisted on interpreting this non-Western philosophy within their world view, they have made it virtually impossible to connect (triangulate) effectively with the powerful energies that can shape your life.

In simple terms, you cannot connect your energy matrix to the larger energy matrix of Nature while being fearful, angry, insecure or desperate.

A Western world view that has taught you that you cannot care for yourself, that you are in caught between an never ending struggle between good and evil, that you are born in sin and likely to spend eternity in Hell, creates a wall of fear, dependence and desperation that literally prevents you accessing the potent energies you need.

In order to make the connections, to change your life in powerful and long lasting ways, YOU MUST FOLLOW THE RULES!

The REAL rules of how the Universe runs!

In the purest sense our relationship with the Universe must be one based on trust, nurturing and care. It is the same set of “rules” that governs a successful marriage or business partnership. Without mutual trust and consideration for your partner, the relationship quickly deteriorates . It may become abusive, dishonest or distant, but regardless, it no longer works! This is what we have done with the Western world view. Rather than care, we have become abusive. Rather than trust, we have become manipulative. Rather than nurture, we have pillaged. The results are easily seen in the air and water quality which must provide and care for us. In the rising world temperatures and the catastrophic typhoons and hurricanes they produce. In the additives, hormones and antibiotics that we use to replace our depleted soil, and grasses and which have negatively effected our children with early maturation and later health issues.

This is not some Pollyanna, theoretical, observation. It is an objective look at how our relationship with the Universe was designed to work by a Creative Force that, by definition, had to be Benevolent to His/Her?Its creations. Any other premise, including, but not limited to, the warped Christian view of fear driven paternalism, twists the rules into a set of instructions that not only fails to empower your life, but leaves you afraid, helpless and dependent!

If you are tired of that process, then you must learn to use the REAL set of instructions. Instructions which provide for the benefit of every.


KNOW that the Universe will provide what is best for you

This is quite different from getting what you want. The child wants a never ending supply of ice cream. The adult learns to seek that which will provide for health, growth, love and contentment.

TRUST that the Universe will Deliver

Fear, perceived need and desperation short circuit the Natural connective process. The calm, confidant energy built upon a lifetime of demonstrated trust is the laser like connection to vast reservoirs of potent energy to protect, guide and empower your life.


Fear and desperation are statements that you do not REALLY trust the Universe, and they make a meaningful relationship with the energy you seek impossible!

RELAX – this allows the connection to occur

Frenetic, frightened, sad or needy energy is guaranteed to short circuit the connections you are seeking to make. Calm, Cool energy – as revered from the beginning of time by the Yoruba wise men and women – is the cord that connects the power supply of your energy matrix to the generator of the Orisa energy you seek.


Not because it's nice, but because it works! The rules of the Universe were not set up to reward the dishonest or those with bad character. In every species, acting correctly, within the whole, brings personal, community and Universal rewards. Only man thinks they can break the rules. Perhaps the Dinosaurs did as well.


Short term gratification seldom provides lasting fulfillment. Understand, when you reach out to these vast pools of bottomless energy, that what you seek MUST take into consideration the lives, conditions and dreams of all those you touch.


Understand that every action in your life is like a pebble being thrown into a calm pond. The ripples from the pebble will grow and spread outwards. To the extent the pebble represented good character and long term thinking, the ripples will amplify and make your life, the life of your family, the community you are part of and the Universe you live in, a better place. To the extent they come from desperation, fear, helplessness and anger the ripples can become a tidal wave of destruction to who you are, those you love and the world you live in.




Oluwo Philip Neimark

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