Removing negative energy, a look at cleansings & sheddings
Ifa is about the balance of energy. Ifa clearly sees that the overwhelming percentages of problems that we face are a result of energy imbalances within ourselves. Negative experiences, and the negative energies that are part of them, do not go away! Rather they burrow their ugly way into your overall energy matrix creating short-circuits, and imbalances which result in a myriad of ugly consequences. From physical illness, to emotional illness, from destructive behavior to feelings of inadequacy, the ultimate cause can be found in an imbalance created by negative energy.
Unlike the Western concept of treating the specific illness, Ifa has always understood that you MUST treat the imbalance that created the illness. If you do not, the illness will either return, or the negative energy that caused it will manifest itself in a different illness and location. The individual whose Destiny has been corrupted by Negative childhood experiences can spend the rest of their lives treating the individual results of that energy or, for once and for all, remove it from themselves.
Cleansings and sheddings are not like taking an aspirin for a headache, or an antibiotic for an infection. They are much more sweeping and intense.and unlike the similarities between Bayer and St. Joseph's aspirin, the effectiveness and success depend upon the experience, ase' and energy of the individual performing the ceremony. At the Ifa Foundation we are fortunate to have someone born with the gift of healing, and trained in the ways of Ifa to use it. Iyanifa Vassa has worked for years with her gift.and whether it be a woman looking to conceive, a sexually abused child or adult, a cancer victim or a victim of lack of self worth and repetitive bad relationships, she utilizes her gifts and the energy of the necessary orisa to restore the individuals balance and clarity.
There is a further facet to Cleansings and Sheddings. The setting and location of the ceremonies can be significant. The simple Truth is that the energy of the orisa are more powerful and more effective in a natural consecrated setting. The Ifa Foundation has always understood this, and as such has created Ola Olu, a 9 ½ acre Natural setting in Central Florida that houses the consecrated gardens of the major orisa.. This pristine complex includes its own large lake, sacred shrines to Ogun, Esu, Sango, Osun, Oya, Obatala, Yemonja, Oko and Orunmila, as well areas sacred to the Ancestors, Nana Buuken and others.
Oluwo Philip Neimark