Nathan & The Federal Grand Jury
The names have been changed to respect the privacy of the individuals.
He was one of the best dressed clients that ever entered this Babalawo's office. Nathan (as we shall call him) had been referred to me a female client of many years. When he entered my office I was genuinely struck by the sartorial splendor of the man.particularly that early in the day. Quite clearly he was dressed in a several thousand dollar, pinstriped double breasted, custom made suit, with accessories that matched. His long, but not too long, slightly graying hair was perfectly styled and not a single strand was out of place.
I had to smile inwardly, because here was someone who was obviously successful by every Western standard, but could only have come to see me if something was seriously amiss in his life that could not be solved by "acceptable" methodology. We visited for a few moments before I began his divination.
The results of that initial divination were quite clear.and, somewhat alarming. So was Nathan's response. The divination , which found Nathan badly off path, identified the following areas of concern: a) his children were at risk, b) he was up against an opponent or energy much more powerful than himself that was threatening his way of life, c) relationships were quite negative.
As divination is designed as a partnership between client, Babalawo and the meta-intellect of the Universe Orunmila, rather than an exercise in pulling rabbits out of a hat, I inquired if Nathan could shed any light on these areas.
Carefully crossing his crisply creased trouser legs, Nathan informed me that "yes, a Federal Grand Jury was looking into some actions" of his, and his "younger son had been threatened by another older boy over some drug nonsense," but the reason he had come to see me was about getting back "a woman he was deeply in love with had broken off their relationship."
I deal with a great many self-absorbed individuals. It is pandemic in our culture, but Nathan's casually brushing aside the well being of his children, the issue of his potential freedom, in order to focus his energy, and mine, on a broken relationship was astounding! And, I told him so.
He was nonplussed. He said he understood the seriousness of the situation with his son, and he was vaguely concerned with the Federal Grand Jury issue, but he had clearly come to see what "magic" or "spell" I might concoct to bring back his girlfriend!
"Look," I responded," I am a Babalawo, I practice an ancient logical and integrated philosophy called Ifa. Within that there are certain absolute Truths. Truth number one has to do with our children.with protecting and caring for them. Before we even think about dealing with your ex-girlfriend, you had damned well better approach the energy that threatens your son.and, if you have any common sense, I would strongly advise you to deal with the Grand Jury issue before your only contact with any woman is on visitors day or through the mail!" I was angry and not afraid to show it.
Almost grudgingly, Nathan acquiesced to my first looking at solutions to his son's problems. It seemed it might not be some "nonsense", but rather a rich, spoiled high school student who had gotten in with some very bad people, and had failed to pay for some drugs he had purchased. In response, the bad guys had threatened his son with bodily harm if he didn't pay.
Quickly we identified an ebbo to Ogun which would protect the boy. Next I suggested he fill in some of the details regarding the Federal Grand Jury investigation. It seemed that Nathan had been professionally involved in what had turned into a multi-billion dollar Saving & Loan failure. The government, taking the heat for its lax regulatory practices that had resulted in many investors losing their funds, was now on a personal vendetta to get all those, even peripherally, involved. At the very least, Nathan was peripherally involved.
As I read the issue, it seemed clear that Nathan was at genuine risk of being indicted and, subsequently, found guilty.unless he did something. That "something," simply and absolutely, as indicated by the continuing divination, was to go to the Government and offer his cooperation. Then, divination assured, he might get a 'slap on the wrist", but he wouldn't go to jail.
Nathan didn't see it that way. Without being specific, let me simply say that it turned out Nathan was quite a prominent person in the area. He was a partner of a large and successful business, sat on the Boards of prestigious civic organizations. To go and "make a deal" with the government would mean publicity, losing his license, and being subject to public ridicule. Nathan wasn't buying into that.
Couldn't we "do something else?" was his question.
And so, because he chose not to do what the reading said, we began a five year journey of fighting delaying actions with the Federal Government. and Nathan continued to serve on his Boards, throw his cocktail parties and take elegant vacations.
What about the girlfriend? Well, the reading distinctly promised that a new and more worthwhile woman would come around, and that he should leave the old relationship alone. He didn't want to, but agreed to give it a week or so and see.
Five years later Nathan was brought to trial.and, when the horrible reality of what might happen finally permeated his awareness, there was no deal left to be made. All the others had already been sent to jail. And, so was Nathan. Sentenced to 8 plus years in Federal Prison.
So, ultimately he lost all the things he had so voraciously clung to. His license, his job, his reputation, his Board memberships and social acceptability. All the things he had not wanted to lose, and so had refused to follow the repetitive readings that urged him to deal with the Government. But, he lost a great deal more. He lost his freedom for many years.
It's not as if divination can miraculously make everything better. Sometimes we have gone too far.and divination can only make it as "good as possible." When Nathan gets out he will have to re-build and re-structure his life, just as he would have almost six years ago.but he will be six years older when he starts. A lot of time wasted.
Oh, there is good news in all this. The worthwhile woman did appear. And, she has stuck by him through the trial and imprisonment. So, he will have a companion to help upon his release.
So many times the Babalawo is frustrated and stymied by the social perceptions and ideas that affect the client. After more than a quarter of a century of studying this philosophy there is one thing I know for sure.and which Nathan could now agree with.It's better to listen the first time.
Oluwo Philip Neimark